Thursday, January 15, 2009


Larry Kudlow on his dinner with Obama (emphasis mine)

Kudlow: This is at George Will’s house…he comes in and he came up to me, I had never met him before. I think he may have watched ‘Kudlow and Company’ periodically. Somebody game him a column I had written defending his business investment tax cuts. He liked that a lot. I said, ‘You know, sir, since Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, attacked him I knew I must be on to something good.’ He laughed a lot. I said ‘You took my best people from the program. You took Austan Goolsbee.’ He laughed and said they’re good men. I said, ‘But Mr. President, [...] why did you leave us Robert Reich,’ who I adore, and he laughed and said ‘I want somebody fighting for me, Larry.’

Interesting thing. This is just generally speaking, he is so well-informed, and he loves to deal with both sides of an issues, and I’m not going to divulge what was said there and I’m not going to go into any of the specifics, but he enjoys the back and forth, and he is not, you know, tough, mean, insulting, snarling, none of that stuff. And we weren’t either.

This was a good conservative group and we just had a great back and forth, and he wants to keep the dialogue going with conservatives. I would say I am honored to be at that dinner. I was honored to meet him. He is a very impressive man, and I wish him all the luck in the world because we’ve got some issues to deal with.

Francis: What did you eat?

Kudlow: I can’t remember. I was so focused on him. I was sitting across from him –

Francis: You probably didn’t eat. Maybe you didn’t touch anything.

Kudlow: The food was excellent. I probably didn’t eat a whole lot. It was all very interesting, and he’s a good man, and we will see how he does. That’s all I can say. We wish him the best.

The world awaits David Brooks' viewpoint. I think from Kudlow's Rich Lowry like tribute we can imagine that David Brooks has had to be given tranquilizers and be put in a restraining jacket to keep him from lapping at Obama's boots.

PS. I'm guest blogging this weekend but I jumped the gun

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