Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I know Sarah Palin used private e-mail accounts in order to circumvent public records laws. I know she's stonewalling on Troopergate. I know she cc'd her husband on some official e-mails and then claimed that they should remain confidential, even though he's not a government employee.

But breaking into her Yahoo e-mail account, as the hackers known as Anonymous have apparently now done, is now going to set off a tsunami of self-righteousness on the part of the GOP and its backets in the punditocracy and blogosphere. It's going to arouse quite a bit of sympathy for Sarah Palin just as her star is beginning to fall. It's going to be hung around the necks of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and "liberals" and "the left" in general.

We're going to be hearing from a lot of hypocrites, of course -- the same people who, for instance, thought it was outrageous to suggest any connection between right-wing talk radio and Timothy McVeigh.

But in this case, there just isn't the slightest connection between the few people responsible for this invasion of privacy and the people who are going to be the subject of the right's outrage broadsides.

I want Sarah Palin's deeds in Troopergate investigated responsibly. I don't want Bristol Palin's phone number exposed, or her deputy communications director's address. That's out of bounds.

I hope these hackers go to jail. They're gone over the line and they've made the GOP's scary, dangerous VP nominee seem sympathetic again. Both of those deeds are unforgivable.


UPDATE: Exactly what I was talking about:

LIBERALS ATTACK PALINS-- HACK PRIVATE EMAIL ACCOUNT! Splash Private Photos, Phone #'s and Emails On Internet!


The Left continues its attacks on the Palin Family---
Liberals hack into Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's private e-mail account!
Liberal Blog Gawker reposts the private information! ...

The McCain spinners will be reading from this script within hours, if not Palin and McCain themselves. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

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