Thursday, August 21, 2008


So how is unelectable arugula-eating elitist Muslim Negro beanpole Barack Obama doing against John McCain in the latest Fox poll?

He's beating McCain by 3 points.

But what would be happening in a head-to-head matchup between McCain and the infinitely more electable Hillary Clinton?

According to the same Fox poll, she'd be beating McCain by 3 points.

Days before the Democratic Convention begins, Barack Obama has a slim 42 percent to 39 percent edge over John McCain in the race for the White House, according to a FOX News poll released Thursday....

In a hypothetical matchup, Hillary Clinton tops McCain by 46 percent to 43 percent....

And this is after several months in which the GOP has had an effective moratorium on attacking her (and McCain and other right-wingers have lavished praise on her). Do you think maybe, if she were the nominee, she might have been getting pounded all spring and summer as hard as Obama's been pounded? And do you think that might have caused some deterioration in her standing?


Meanwhile, a dip into the PDF of the poll reveals this bizarre question:

If John McCain were running for president with Hillary Clinton as his vice-presidential running mate, would you vote for the McCain-Clinton ticket or the Democratic ticket?

Come on, admit it: you can almost imagine Bill speaking at the Democratic convention, then Chelsea speaking, then Hillary speaking -- and then Hillary taking the #2 spot on the Republican ticket. Can't you? After this? And this?

OK, sorry -- I got out of control there. In any case, the Democratic ticket wins by four in that case. So it would actually hurt McCain.

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