Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Lanny Davis yesterday at the Huffington Post:

The follow[ing] are four things that the Obama campaign couldn't resist doing to anger Clinton supporters....

3. Couldn't resist waiting to win [a] majority of all delegates to announce Jim Johnson as VP search committee head -- the first candidate in my memory ever to do so while his chief opponent is still fighting for [the] nomination....

Bill Clinton, My Life (New York: Knopf, 2004), pp. 409-410 (emphasis added):

During the rest of May, a series of primary victories added to my delegate total.... Meanwhile, I campaigned in California, hoping to complete my fight for the nomination in Jerry Brown's home state. I called for federal aid to make our schools safer and for an all-out effort to turn back the tide of AIDS in America. And I began the search for a vice-presidential nominee. I entrusted the vetting process to Warren Christopher....

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