Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BACK TO THE FUTURE? (Updated with Clinton absolutists' reactions to the Edwards endorsement)

Would this just seem like a stale rerun, or is it possible that Taegan Goddard is on to something when he suggests a Barack Obama/John Edwards ticket?

...Here's the case for picking Edwards:

1. He's already been tested on the national stage and not likely to cause a distracting scandal.
2. He appeals to the same working class white voters that back Clinton.
3. He favors Obama's new brand of politics.
4. He could put North Carolina and possibly other Southern states in play.
5. Clinton would probably support him. With more than 1,700 delegates in Clinton's pocket, Obama needs to at least get her tacit approval if he wants to have a unified party.

Maybe I'm just wishing that it could work, because it would annoy so many annoying people. There might actually be talk that "reasonable" pundits would describe as (gasp!) "class warfare." The winners would be "Obambi" and "the Breck Girl" (aka "the Silky Pony," the guy whose haircuts Beltway journalists can't stop talking about), so a victory would infuriate both the crowd and Maureen Dowd. And it would be a Clinton-free ticket. (I don't believe point #5.)

In some early polls, Edwards outperformed other Democrats against McCain and other Republicans. He got 7% of the vote in West Virginia yesterday.

It would be nice, of course, to have Elizabeth Edwards on board -- a Democratic heroine who's strongly hinted that she favors Hillary's health-care plan. If she's cool with a ticket like this (hmmm, can she be the running mate?), that sends a lot of signals.

Is this a not complete crazy idea? Or am I just suggestible today?


UPDATE: John Edwards endorses Obama.

Which makes him a pariah (as well as an assassin and a gang-rapist, and a fool for not recognizing Hillary's inevitability) in Clinton-or-Death Country:

All aboard! All aboard this sinking ship!


I think that Edwards...

knows that the Obama ship is going down... and his endorsement is in exchange for Obama's support for the nomination when SDs start deserting Obama, and rather than face ignomineous defeat, bows out "for the good of the party" and endorses edwards.


He thinks he's endorsing the winner.


John Edwards, like so many others, has taken the route to endorsement that brings the most attention to himself.


I was for Edwards, but I'm also from NC and the thing that always bothered me about him was his ill-disguised ambition.


I guess Hillary's crushing win yesterday has everyone running scared. I mean, we just can't let this supremely qualified -- and popular-vote leading -- candidate compete. That is just too scary!


Have they all been bought? It looks like it.


Last night must have rattled the Washington establishment that supports Obama. And no doubt - Edwards got the memo - the working class has to be STOPPED from voting for Hillary.


Guess Edwards is like the rest of them - don't really have any principles.


With even NARAL stepping into the primary season, I'm feeling like one thrown-under-the-bus Democrat. It's a travesty that we've reduced a truly historic race to a virtual gang rape.


So John Plays Brutus in this scene


Et tu, John?


Hillary must have turned him down. Possibly the huge multi-million dollar house and $400 haircuts were just too much hypocrisy for her to stomach.


How many knives does HRC have in her back at this point? She's looking like a pincushion from where I sit.


this seems like it's all the guys ganging up on the girl, being directed by the DNC.


Now he's joined the ranks of "White Male Loser Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates for Obama". They should make themselves tee-shirts. Is Hillary really that bad or does the white boyz club simply hate uppity women?



UPDATE: This one's even worse. Samples:

….you like that black bastard so much then go see what pick up game he’s playing tonight and shoot some hoops with him….in other words, get the hell out of here…you creep!


Shrug. They think Obama is going to float to the oval office and skip a general election. The Republicans are all going to stay home too. And they are going to spot Barry some Affirmative Action points.


I will never vote for him. He is the scum of the earth. The dirty gum on the bottom of my shoes. Dog shit that gets stuck in the pattern of my sneakers. Unworthy of a vote.


speaking for myself, i absolutely believe obama is a figure head of some very radical, self serving, powerful individuals, with an agenda.

an agenda that does not work for me…

when i was young during the late 60’s i ran with people like this, panthers were from oakland, and we were all trying to be, radical in those days…

blacks brown red and white…

these people are no joke, i respect that they have a point of view, i just think it dont belong in the white house…
all these cute little white college kids, and starry eyed old ladies with their meditaion candles, are in for a rude awakening.


All Obama supporters are sexist.

The main thrust of this thread is that Obama and Edwards are abandoning loyal Democrats and that the only appropriate response is to go out and vote for (and campaign or) McCain (as, presumably, a sign of loyalty to the Democratic Party). Oh, and the post that inspires the comments tells us that Hillary Clinton "would be the best president we've had in at least the past century." Yeah, screw that FDR guy!

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