Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Well, that's balanced: The lead editorial in today's New York Times decries "stark intramural divisions that pose risks for both Democrats and Republicans" -- and then spends four paragraphs criticizing the divisions among the Democrats, while devoting only one paragraph to fighting within the GOP. This despite the fact that, right now, the internal battles among Republicans are much, much nastier.

Meanwhile, over on the op-ed page, Maureen Dowd publishes yet another Hillary Clinton hit job (with swipes at "Obambi") -- her nineteenth attack on the Democratic candidates since the last time she wrote a negative word about a Republican with a chance at winning the nomination, which was nearly two months ago. (She did mock Giuliani last week, but it was clear by then that his campaign was effectively over.) Dowd's subject? The tension between the Clinton and Obama campaigns -- naturally.

There's your liberal media: The GOP is virtually invisible to these people -- which, right now, means that the bloodbath within the Republican Party is invisible.

That's wonderful news for McCain.


The Times editorial issues a dire warning:

Whoever wins the Democratic nomination will face the gargantuan task of winning over the other's voters.

Gargantuan? Really? Not according to Super Tuesday analysis at CNN:

Though close, the exit polls suggested that the Democratic base is not bitterly divided over its choice.

Nearly two-thirds -- 72 percent -- of Democratic voters said they'd be satisfied with Clinton as the nominee, and 71 percent said they'd be happy with Obama.

Yet even CNN is acting as if the rancor in the GOP doesn't exist. Oh, sure, it used its GOP exit polls to determine how many McCain voters call themselves conservatives (only 49%; the numbers for Romney and Huckabee are much higher) -- but CNN's polling unit doesn't seem the least bit interested in whether a McCain win will depress GOP turnout (or even cause defections) in the fall, while it seems obsessed with that question as regards the Democrats.

How do I know this? Well, go to the CNN link above, go down to the list of states, and look at the results of the party exit polls. Republican voters were asked no questions whatsoever that directly measure intraparty bitterness. Meanwhile, Democrats were asked the following:

Satisfied if Clinton Wins Nomination?

Would You Be Satisfied... Only if Clinton Wins / Only if Obama Wins / If Either Wins / Dissat. With Both

Satisfied if Obama Wins Nomination?

Which Candidate Attacked Unfairly?

Did Clinton Attack Unfairly?

Did Obama Attack Unfairly?

Message: Democrats are having a catfight. Republicans aren't. And that's simply not the truth -- right now, it's almost the opposite of the truth.

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