Sunday, January 06, 2008


Maureen Dowd says a lot of things about Barack Obama in today's column, but I find it odd that the first thing she says is this:

The Obama revolution arrived not on little cat feet in the Iowa snow but like a balmy promise, an effortlessly leaping lion hungry for something different, propelled by a visceral desire among Americans to feel American again.

Hmmm -- a lion? Why a lion? What's going through her head?

Could it be something like this?

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion sleeps tonight....

Maybe I'm reading too much into her words, but it's an odd metaphor, no? I suspect Dowd can't look at Obama without thinking about the jungles of the Dark Continent or whatever.

Oh, and this column marks the third time she's used the phrase "smooth jazz" in reference to Obama. Make of that what you will.


Oh, but Dowd doesn't spare Hillary Clinton, of course:

She claimed that she disliked the red state, blue state terminology -- "We are one country," she said, echoing Obama -- even as she added that she should be the nominee because she's the best one "to withstand the Republican attack machine."

What she doesn't mention is that she knows how to fight off the Republican attack machine because she and her husband were so adept at revving it up.

Translation: Bitch asked for it.

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