Wednesday, August 29, 2007


In The Washington Post, I just spotted a name I hadn't seen before on President Bush's reported attorney general short list:

Among those who are said to be under serious consideration [is] ... Michael B. Mukasey, former chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York....

Also on the list is

former solicitor general Theodore B. Olson

And early rumors pointed to Michael Chertoff.


Mukasey is an old friend of Rudy Giuliani's who swore Rudy in as mayor in his own East Side apartment, and then swore him in again in 1998, and whose son joined Bracewell & Giuliani as a partner in 2005.

Olson is the head of Giuliani's "Justice Advisory Committee."

And Chertoff was once hired by Giuliani when Rudy was a U.S. attorney, and was touted by Rudy as an AG choice after the Gonzales resignation.

Is it just a coincidence that so many of these guys have Rudy connections? If you didn't know better, you'd think the Bushies were trying to help President Rudy get a head start on filling out his Cabinet. At the very least it's more evidence that if the White House passes from Bush to Giuliani, you might not even notice the difference.

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