Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Oh, dear -- this clown seems to have declared me a "child of postmodern nihilism" and a "covert enemy" of America for what I wrote yesterday about the Jersey jihadis. I am described as someone

who denigrates, dismisses and mocks any who dare to even suggest that we are in a real war with real enemies--let alone those who actually take up arms against them.

Hunh? Where the hell did I say that?

Here, Dr. Sanity, let me help you with that reading-comprehension problem you have: I THINK WE'RE IN A REAL WAR WITH REAL ENEMIES.

Got it? Am I going too fast for you?

I also can't help noticing that we let the worst of those enemies get away at Tora Bora because we wanted to pursue a cockamamie, paranoid scheme to go after some other guys altogether who weren't trying to kill us, and then did everything possible to screw that misadventure up, all the while inspiring all manner of foreign and domestic folks to turn against us.

I'm glad they caught the guys in Jersey -- even stumblebums can do serious harm. I do think they were trying to do their bit for Islamicist jihad, which I'm against. (Got it? Again, am I going too fast here?) All I said yesterday was that it might turn out that they weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer (which appears to be true) and that we caught them using techniques the vast majority of Americans, including yours truly, agree on (which also appears to be true -- a sign, I hope, that we can repel jihadist terror without sacrificing our values).

But the right doesn't read anything we say. Every word we post is translated into what right-wingers want to think we believe, which is that any opposition to any foreign policy act by the sacred and inerrant Bush administration is opposition to all anti-terrorist efforts anywhere. We can write whatever we want and that's how the words are going to read to these idiots.


In comments to that same post of mine, another righty blogger writes:

This blog and the ideas that drive it are a festering boil on the ass of humanity in general and the U.S. in particular.

Wow -- I didn't know how much I missed seventh grade until I read that.

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