Monday, May 28, 2007

The government of Poland is apparently receiving messages from Jerry Falwell from beyond the grave:

Poland targets 'gay' Teletubbies

A senior Polish official has ordered psychologists to investigate whether the popular BBC TV show Teletubbies promotes a homosexual lifestyle.

The spokesperson for children's rights in Poland, Ewa Sowinska, singled out Tinky Winky, the purple character with a triangular aerial on his head.

"I noticed he was carrying a woman's handbag," she told a magazine. "At first, I didn't realise he was a boy."...

Ms Sowinska wants the psychologists to make a recommendation about whether the children's show should be broadcast on public television....

Poland is starting to look like the U.S. religious right's version of Utopia -- a law is being drafted there to fire teachers deemed to be promoting "homosexual culture," and, of course, the country recently hosted the anti-gay, anti-feminst World Congress of Families (at which a featured speaker was U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey, who has been rewarded for her anti-abortion activism by being given a job for which she's not even remotely qualified, the job of overseeing the resettlement of Iraqi refugees in America, which is barely happening at all). Oh, and, of course, Poland is where the CIA conducted secret interrogations.

I don't know why the wingnuts don't just move there en masse.


(Yeah, I'm back. Thanks, guest bloggers....)

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