Friday, May 18, 2007


Hey, Move America Forward: When you dress up a monkey in a camouflage shirt and put a white flag in its hand, doesn't that sort of suggest you're calling the troops surrender monkeys, not the Democrats?


LAS VEGAS -- Protesters on both sides of the Iraq war debate rallied Thursday outside Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's district office, where Reid supporters waved American flags and his opponents gathered around a trained monkey dressed in fatigues and holding a white flag.

"That's what they are -- cheese-eating surrender monkeys," said Steven Saul, a conservative talk show host in Las Vegas, referring to a label for Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., popular with conservative pundits.

The protest of about a dozen people and a "surrender monkey" named Hobo was organized by the Sacramento-based Move America Forward, a group of military families and administration supporters dedicated to countering anti-war activism....

Oh, and "cheese-eating surrender monkeys," besides really having passed its sell-by date as a joke, doesn't quite work in reference to a guy whose from Nevada rather than France. But hey, feel free to use stale, played-out, misapplied material as much as you want, if that's what you think will win converts to your side.

Ah, but I shouldn't criticize you guys -- you got an AP story out, and prominent placement on the Fox News Web site, for a demonstration with a whopping dozen people. Then again, Move America Forward practically is the vast right-wing conspiracy all by itself, so that's no surprise.

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