Saturday, March 17, 2007


Er, the Civil War is over, right?

A Tallahassee museum on Friday rejected a request by the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans to remove an exhibit the group considers disrespectful of the Confederate flag.

The group, which has 56 members locally and about 1,500 statewide, asked the Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science to remove "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag" by John Sims. The work depicts a Confederate battle flag being lynched from a 13-foot-high wooden gallows.

The request was made by Bob Hurst, commander of the Tallahassee camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Mr. Hurst said the exhibit violated a Florida law that makes it illegal to "mutilate, deface, defile or contemptuously abuse" the Confederate flag.

Good Lord -- that's against the law in Florida? (Yup -- see section 256.051.)

Mr. Hurst, museum officials said, asked for all of Mr. Sims's work to be removed from the museum, including a 2007 piece called "Official Ballot for the Afro Confederate Flag."

In that piece, Mr. Sims depicts six versions of the Confederate flag on what resembles the Florida presidential election ballot of 2000. Instead of the traditional Confederate battle flag, though, the flags depicted are black, green and red.

Sounds cool. Actually, all his work sounds cool.

I can't find that ballot piece on the Net, but "The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag" is here. You can see that and several other of John Sims's works at this page, which was put up by some racist knuckledraggers to protest the "desecration of the beloved cross of St. Andrew, also called the Southern Confederate flag." (The page specifically refers to an exhibition of Sims's work at Gettysburg College; I'm not sure where the rant about homosexuality comes from, but, you know, all liberal abominations are interrelated, right?)


More Confederate news:

A panel of Georgia lawmakers signed off Thursday on a plan to create a Confederate heritage month, even as legislative leaders reacted coolly to a push to apologize for the state's role in slavery.

Sen. Jeff Mullis' bill would dub April as Confederate History and Heritage Month....

Democratic Rep. Tyrone Brooks, chairman of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, said it's discouraging to see the Confederate month proposal moving ahead after leaders of the Republican-controlled House and Senate said they're not in favor of apologizing for slavery....

To me it would be discouraging no matter what -- but I'm just a damn Yankee, so what do I know? I'm the one who's out of step -- after all, Confederate Heritage Month is officially recognized in five states and nearly a hundred localities, and officially proclaiming it in Georgia seems like a swell idea to the folks commenting on the story at GOPUSA:

The Confederates were the country's first Conservatives, standing in opposition to big government, unjust tarriffs and violations of the Constitution and States Rights. In retrospect, they must have envisioned the encroachment of the Federal Government into every aspect of our lives and its unsatiable appetite for additional taxes to feed a burgeoning bureaucracy.

So they were guilty of treason. They were better Americans than us liberals, dammit!

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