Monday, January 15, 2007


From the version of this story that appeared in the print edition of this morning's New York Times:

A senior American official said over the weekend that two of Saddam Hussein's top associates would not be handed over to Iraqi officials for execution until the Iraqis present detailed plans that satisfied the Americans that there would be no repeat of the abusive treatment Mr. Hussein was exposed to before he was hanged....

The American official said the Americans had asked the Iraqis for details of who would attend the execution, and for assurances that other aspects of the hanging would be carefully regulated....

By delaying the transfer of Mr. Tikriti and Mr. Bandar, American officials appear to be showing the new "get tough" attitude that many have pressed for in dealing with the Maliki government....


Anger as hanging decapitates Saddam's half-brother

Saddam Hussein's half brother and the former head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court were hanged before dawn today....

In confirming the executions, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said the head of one of the accused, Barzan Ibrahim, had been severed during the hanging in what he called "a rare incident." ...

Oh, and somebody videotaped the proceedings with a cellphone camera:

Iraqi government officials have shown journalists video of the hanging of two of Saddam Hussein's aides, during which one of the men was decapitated....

This footage, the government says, isn't being released to the public. It's silent, though it does show the headless body. We'll see what else comes out.

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