Friday, September 08, 2006


Story in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

Incidents of anti-Muslim discrimination are on the rise in South Florida, from slurs painted on mosque walls to a woman told she would have to remove her head covering if she wanted to keep her job, a report by the Council on American-Islamic Relations said Thursday.

Areeb Naseer, CAIR's legal adviser in Florida, said the group's offices had received 112 reports of anti-Muslim incidents for the state in 2005, a 9 percent increase from 2004. The complaints included outright hate crimes, such as vandalism at a Boca Raton mosque, verbal discrimination and intolerance of religious practices....

The usual reaction at

How sad - not - you ain't seen nothing yet after the 9/11 events are watched over and over.


Too bad, so sad. Assimilate or go home to your native land. I don't trust you or your motives. You are suspect and so is your pagan religion.


--sniff--I'm willing to bet it juuuuuust the beginning. In a few years the cultists will reeeeeeally feel unwanted, if there are any left! It might be best to make those travel arrangements now while there's still time.


(To the tune of "Camptown Races". . .)

Ask me if I give a crap, doo-dah, doo-dah


...Now that's what I call real PROGRESS. If Islamics won't assimilate to the 'American way' willingly, let 'em feel the heat of our ''displeasure.''


An episode of Vanished played last night in which a rag head doctor was unjustly murdered. The trouble is, he brought s lot of it on himself by acting like a nutcase, waving a pistol around and doing nothing to make himself seem rational.

The show's point of view was sympathetic to this character, and must have appealed to Lib bleeding hearts, without giving a balanced view of the worldwide problem we have on our hands thanks to Islamos!


They keep screaming for us to get out of the Middle East....Fine! We'll just start screaming for them to get their burkas out of the US. Once every single one of them are off US soil we'll consider pulling out of the ME...maybe.


I knew I liked south Florida for a reason ... real Americans still live there.


You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.


Don't molest the Muslims. Internment camps might help. Maybe we could do something like Saudi Arabia and put the Muslims in their own, guarded communities, controlling what the do and say, and where they go. It might be safer for them.


Hate crimes against mooslimes usually end up being insurance scams.


Leave our country. Take your whining and blabbering with you.


I'd prefer if they just left the US, forever.


Muslims in the USA are allowed to practice their garbage religion, wear their ridiculous dress, attend our schools, participate in Islamic jihad as CAIR does.In fact do everything and more that Americans could ever do in Iran, where there aren't any Christian churches, the bible is outlawed.

Let me just add this: Bush can say he's not adding gasoline to this fire with all his talk about "Islamic fascism," but claiming that "Islamic fascism" merely means "both Islamic and fascist" is like claiming that "cheap Jew" is just a way of saying "cheap and coincidentally Jewish" and isn't meant to be an insult. If you have the bully pulpit and you set out to link words this way in people's minds, you'll probably accomplish your goal -- and then some.

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