Friday, July 28, 2006

A Freeper addresses one of the burning issues of the new millennium.

The essay below was originally written in the early Spring of 2001:

With the passing away of LEXX ends an intriguing albeit tawdry experiment in Sci-fantasy. One that breaks with conventions, or should I say cliches of TV sci-fi of the 90's . The politically correct pabulum, the multicultural indoctrination, the BladeRunner motifs, and not the least; the steroid mutated superbabes that can punch the lights out of men, but never get punched back in return !?

How about creating a new sci-fi anthology with none of the puerile baggage of Rod Serling, Rockne Obannon, Michael J. Stracinsky, etc .. It is time to end their reign of un-American cynicism and fatalism !

Let us create a future of infinite possibilities devoid of the agenda of the social engineers who work their corruption on us thru the one way world of television . A world where anything is possible , but not everything is possible . Anything can happen , but not all things can happen at once . That is what 'Time' is for , to keep all things from happening at the same moment . That shall be the only rule of our new fantasy world . That an event happens only once . What has been done , cannot be undone . There is no turning back the sands of time . You can review the past but you cannot change the past . That a vision of a possible future - to the present , must be taken in the context of the present . A Cosmos not governed by compassion or tolerance or equality , but common sense and merit . A Universe of strange and totally new lifeforms and not distorted reflections of human characters , just to make some social allegory ---- THAT is the insipid barren road of Political Correctness that Sci-fi entertainment has been a slave to for so many years . The future is not the current events of our world thrown into Outer Space . The future is not with the Liberals , not with the Multiculturalists (both hate America) , and it is certainly not to be found in some cheapo TV production made in Canada ! The future is not written , the future is unformed . . .

I feel I should have something to say about this, but I don't quite know where to begin. Your thoughts?

(Alternatively, I suppose you could address them to the author in person, if you could find his parents' basement.)

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