Thursday, June 15, 2006


Next time you hear a right-winger whining about those vicious moonbat Democrats who get away with calling Republicans outrageous names, remember that today Michael Reagan -- talk radio host and son of the former president -- published this column:

Democrats Behave Like Sunni Insurgents

I've been wondering why there is something familiar about the behavior of the Sunni insurgency in Iraq, and suddenly it dawned on me that we have our own similar insurgency right here at home -- it is called the Democrat Party.

Think about it. Both are operating under the same motivation -- an unrequited lust for lost power. And both will do just about anything to retrieve it....

Saddam may have ordered the atrocities, but it was the Sunnis who carried them out, torturing, beheading and otherwise brutalizing the Shia and the Kurds and looting the nation's treasure.

They were very well compensated for their services -- and since being ousted by the U.S. invasion and the deposing of their benefactor they have been unable to accept their current powerlessness. They are, as the liberals like to say, "in denial." They just can't live with their loss of authority and act as if they can somehow regain what they lost by mounting an insurgency against the new Iraqi government....

Like the Sunni insurgency in Iraq, the Democrats cannot accept their minority status....

Like the Sunni insurgency, the national Democrat Party and its congressional contingent has demonstrated time and again that they will willingly sacrifice the welfare and security of the American people to get their way.

...In the end, all that matters to them is regaining the power the American people took from them in 1994, and, thank God, have kept it out of their hands ever since.

He won't ever be asked to apologize for this, either. And if he is, he'll refuse. And there'll be no negative consequences for that.

Republicans: The Ann Coulter party.

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