Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Gee, I'm so glad those principled conservatives wouldn't stoop to using a victim to score political points:

Bush To Jog With Soldier Who Lost Both Legs In Iraq

President George W. Bush is set to go jogging Tuesday with a soldier who lost both legs to a roadside bomb in Iraq.

Weather permitting, the president will take a spin on the White House track with Army Staff Sgt. Christian Bagge. The 23-year-old Eugene, Ore., native was riding in a convoy near Kirkuk a year ago when a blast tore apart his Humvee....

In 2004, Bush jogged with a soldier who lost a leg to a landmine in Afghanistan and met the president at Washington's Walter Reed Army Hospital....

Oh, forget I brought this up -- Ann Coulter has explained that the moral distinction is that if Bush does it, it's OK:

[ALAN] COLMES: ... President Bush ... ran a commercial using a little girl who lost her mother during 9-11 and used that and that helped sell him to the American people. Was that using 9-11?

COULTER: No, you refuse to grasp the distinction --

COLMES: Was that using the tragedy to promote a political agenda?

COULTER: No. He's the commander in chief. Do you think FDR didn't run on World War II when he was running for president? He's the commander in chief....

COLMES: So it's OK to use someone's tragedy if you're the commander in chief --

COULTER: You never see conservatives doing this.

COLMES: -- and running for office?

COULTER: No, he's not using someone's tragedy. He's talking about the war on terror, which we are in the middle of -- He's the commander in chief.

Got it.

(Via DU.)

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