Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Arrests and interrogations of suspects in a recent series of suicide bombings in Afghanistan show that the attacks have been orchestrated from Pakistan by members of the ousted Taliban government with little interference by the Pakistani authorities, Afghan officials say.

In taped interviews by an Afghan interrogator, two Afghans and three Pakistanis who were among 21 people arrested in recent weeks described their roles in the attacks, which have killed at least 70 people in the last three months....

The tape appears to confirm Afghan officials' suspicions that the suicide bombings, which are largely a recent phenomenon in Afghanistan, were generated outside Afghanistan, and in particular from neighboring Pakistan....

--New York Times today

Gee, I'm so happy we watched the Taliban and al-Qaeda prance across the border into Pakistan a few years ago and said, "Oops! Mustn't go there!"

And, of course, the worst of the cartoon protests taking place right now are in Peshawar -- in northwest Pakistan, just over the Afghan border. Anyone think some of the folks we lost interest in when Cheney and Bush developed a jones for Saddam Hussein's hide are involved in the Peshawar riots?

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