Monday, January 09, 2006

New York Times reporter David Rosenbaum was killed in a mugging in D.C. on Friday evening. He was 63.

The folks at are deeply moved:

Sometimes justice reveals itself in harsh ways.

Biting lip.


It's sad to see anyone die, especially in such a manner. But the man was hateful and mean spirited.


Look, I agree that someone being murdered should not be cause for joy. But I really can't work up too much grief for him. We reap what we sow. I'm sure he was a big advocate of denying New Yorkers (or all Americans, for that matter) the means to protect themselves. So to some extent he was instrumental in his own demise. And he probably supported policies that could very well relegate you or you loved ones to a similar fate. So don't blame the chickens for coming home to roost; that's what they do -- it's just the natural order of things.


This is protected "speech".
Its just another way that a culture expresses itself - sort of like ebonics or having a brood of multi-hued babies sired and abandoned by anonymous sperm doners.
We must view this conduct as just another manifestation of cultural diversity.
After all, who are we to be judgemental about other cultures?

/sarcasm off/


... I condemn Rosenbaum's murder, but I do not grive his death. Rosenbaum was enemy of freedom, working for the anti baby, anti freedom, pro terror, vanity blog the New York Times. Rosenbaum's death is a case of enemy fraticide. Oh the allies Pinch Shultzberger chooses.


I am not sure that felling sorry for a person who actively contributed to an organization that has propagandized for those who would kill us on the streets, in building or just because we exist deserves much in the way of respect.
One would have to ask the question as to whether anyone who works for the NYTimes or any MSM outlet has shown any respect for those who disagree with them at all. How many stories have we read about the desire for the assassination of anyone who disagrees with them?
There is not a dime's worth of difference between the terrorists propaganda outlets and what this person and the organization that he worked for do every day. Sad to think like this, but that is what the MSM and democratic party have wrought.


Good news is that his social security contributions will be available for redistribution.

There's more of the same at Free Republic:

Must resist urge to yawn...


"Tell me the frequency Kenneth!"


Did they beat him with the Sunday edition?


A lot of the suicide bombers in Iraq are hasbands and fathers too. But the thing is, any one of them probably does less damage to America than the typical New York Times editor does....


I am ... sure this guy was a lefty..and he believed it was "our" fault that these people are the way they I don't feel so much pain...just like when a nuke will go off in San Francisco or NYC....the libs don't want us to look for them or to protect I won't be sending money to help the survivors....they wanted it....the old saying..." don't bring a knife to a gunfight"...the liberals don't even bring a knife......


... If you are a liberal, you are doing Satan's work.

...There may be some liberals who act like "good people" when they are around other liberals, but the way they act when in the presence of conservatism leads me to think them -- not pure evil, but contaminated by evil to a greater or lesser extent.

...Conservatives as a general rule have a policy of trying to correct whatever evil they find in themselves. Liberals, on the other hand, celebrate evil and seek to increase it, because they have gotten turned around and think good is in the other direction.

Liberalism, the demonrat party, socialism, progressivism, whatever name it hides behind, is where Satan does some of his most effective work. Their ideas are of and from Satan, and no one who embraces more than a certain small number of those ideas can by any stretch be thought a good person.


The Slimes are the enemy and anyone who associates with them becomes the enemy. They started this war against good American Elected Officials and if they want to stop it they have the ability to do so. If Bin Laden got robbed and killed will there be any tears for him? The Slimes want to promote the enemy agenda they can go down like the enemy. I hope someone that works for them reads this and passes it on.


...It makes me so mad when people say against the president. How is that not treason? Dump-o-craps are all going to burn in hell for this. They are as bad as murderers and molesters and pedofiles.


Just a misunderstood victim of society in an outreach program, acting out his anger against the white man. Either that or else a gay hooker got violent.

Oh, and a few other people think his death had something to do with Bill Clinton. No, I'm serious.

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