Sunday, December 11, 2005


Via Memeorandum and the blog of right-wing columnist Cathy Seipp, I just discovered Mary and Steve Van Nattan's startling site C.S. Lewis: The Devil's Wisest Fool -- a multi-page attack on one of the Christian Right's biggest heroes from a Christian Right perspective. (Albeit a fairly nutty Christian Right perspective.)

The Van Nattans -- these folks -- live in Tennessee. Steve tunes and repairs pianos and likes coffee. The Van Nattans also have religious views that aren't exactly broad-minded, as Seipp notes:

I did learn an interesting new word meandering around Van Natten-land: "King James Only-ist," which means a person who thinks anyone who reads a version of the Bible other than the King James one is a heretic who's going to hell. The Van Nattens, apparently, are King James Only-ists who think someone like Pat Robertson is a dangerous backslider.

And as for C. S. Lewis,

the Van Nattens think, among other things, that Lewis is actually a pagan Sun God-worshipper and occultist, not a Christian, although they suspect that the famous Anglican was also a secret Catholic -- which in their view is just as bad as being a pagan.

Er, yeah -- in a bit of throat-clearing before they get down to business, they note that John F. Kennedy died on the same day as Lewis and that

Kennedy went to hell because he trusted in the Roman Whore.

Er, okay. Glad we got that cleared up.

A mere summary of this site can't impress upon you its riches, so here are a few highlights:

The time is long past due to cry out against this wicked man's unspeakable Baal worship.


p.156 The mice came to chew away the ropes that tied Aslan to the stone table upon which he had been ritually sacrificed by the witch. Lewis strongly emphasizes the sun rising in the "East" (note: capitalization) as the mice chew through the ropes to free him for his resurrection....

Anyone that is at all familiar with the true origins of Free Masonry or mysticism, also knows that the "the East" is a significant point. "Eastern" religions are mystical religions. The East represents ...BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5 ... He went from the north (where God dwells; Psalm 48:2, Psalm 75:6), to the East -- Babylon and sun worship!


The word "ass" appears in 4 of the books. Being British, it probably did not mean the same to him as it does to Americans (as a swear word), but he could have left it out, especially since he only used it four times and did use "donkey" in other places. However, considering the filthy state of his mind, it is possible that he thought this cute.


LETTER FROM A READER-- Sept. 16, 2000

Dear Steve,

I was browsing thru your site after my previous e-mail and came across this in your section on C.S. Lewis: One of Lewis' favorite pubs, "The Eagle and Child," familiarly known as "The Bird and Baby." This inn-sign is actually a representation of the pagan god Zeus/Jupiter in the form of an eagle carrying off a boy called Ganymede to Olympus to serve as a sexual plaything. I don't know whether that was why Lewis was attracted to it, but it can hardly be coincidental that such a foul and disgusting image should be associated with a pub frequented by such a person as Lewis.



The Catholic-bashing, in particular, interests me. I've said for a while that there's a lot less anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism among right-wing Christians than there used to be, but maybe I've been naive to think so. Conservative Protestant leaders certainly make common cause with right-wing Catholic and Jews, but I'm not sure everyone has gotten the memos -- more and more I'm thinking that the old animosities have just been papered over and are ready to surface at any time. (And sometimes the leaders get testy as well -- witness the Reverend Donald Wildmon's recent statement that his people might withdraw their support for Israel if the Anti-Defamation League doesn't stop criticizing evangelicals.)

I'm sure even the leaders would turn on one another if they all succeeded in crushing secularism -- the only question is whether the tensions might flare up now, while the different groups still think they need one another in their war against us. I've assumed the alliance was fairly strong -- hell, I thought Ratzinger's Catholic Church was hell-bent on becoming just another right-wing Protestant denomination -- but now I'm not so sure.

(Amygdala has more to say on the Van Nattans.)

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