Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Jesus, the GOP spinners love this analogy -- first Kay Bailey Hutchison uses it, and now this, from NewsMax:

Before he was appointed special counsel in the Leakgate case, Patrick Fitzgerald defended the prosecution of Martha Stewart against criticism that the Justice Department indicted her only after it couldn't prove the underlying crime she was accused of - insider trading....

A June 2003 "Today Show" transcript unearthed on Monday by ABC Radio host Sean Hannity shows Fitzgerald defending [prosecutor James] Comey for throwing the book at the domestic diva....

Fitzgerald's defense of Comey's prosecution could turn out to be significant, since it's widely expected that any indictments he brings in the Leakgate case will mirror tactics used against Stewart - where the prosecution pursues "process" crimes after determining that the original allegations were unprovable.

Uh, folks? Some people do think Martha got a raw deal, but she's not exactly Nelson Mandela. If you want to arouse sympathy for Bushies who might be indicted soon, you're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than that.


(By the way, Hannity, surprisingly, isn't being a hypocrite -- he defended Stewart last March. Scroll down here.)

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