Thursday, July 07, 2005

Over at Free Republic, someone looks at today's events in London and says the wrong thing:

Maybe it's time FINALLY to go and get Osama? Remember Osama? Anybody? Anybody?

Posted on 07/07/2005 12:35:25 PM PDT by churchillbuff

I was lectured on Freerepublic that I was supposed to "feel safer" because we captured Saddam -- even though there's no evidence that he was behind 9-11. Osama is the guy that Bush promised to get "dead or alive" -- but four years later, he's still out there, free as a jail bird.

Maybe it's time to refocus on the mastermind and culprits who were behind 9-11?

Prediction: I'll get flamed as a "DU provacateur" for advocating that we go after somebody who killed 3000-plus people on American soil.

Fortunately, many helpful people take churchillbuff gently by the hand and make the error of his ways clear to him:


You go find him and show us how easy it is.


Go ahead and get him.


Please explain how capturing Osama is going to stop this?


So when do you ship out? I mean you are volunteering for this aren't you?


"Please explain how capturing Osama is going to stop this?"

If we get him dead or alive all we will do is have 100 other crazies trying to outdo him.
As much as I hate the SOB we are better off if OBL is in hiding; at least for now anyway.


Sure. Go barging into the Northwest Frontier - a region no foreign power has ever controlled. Make it to where our presence in Afghanistan will no longer be tolerated and spark a widespread tribal war that will make the Sunni Triangle look like a school zone. Makes loads of sense.


People like you both amuse and disgust me. You expend energy to mock and impede the war on terror, you're nowhere to be found as daily we post victory after victory in the GWOT, but the second something like this happens you proclaim defeat, using the Brits' suffering for your own weak position. You should be ashamed.


"Refocus"? What is the basis for claiming we lost focus? Have you heard anything from the folks on the ground in Afghanistan that they do not have enough troops to do their job? Any complaints from the special forces guys that they are too busy in Iraq or elsewhere?




Nothing but more hot air from you.


As we speak a Navy SEAL is allegedly about to be murdered. Captured while conducting secret operations.

Go ask your pathetic, sniveling, lame ass question to him.


You're spewing lines of the lefties..Change the station, now!


It's all our fault, us evil Westerners should get what we deserve. All bow to Allah, wear your burka's and submit to the chosen few to rule the world.


You really should have voted for John Kerry. He had a plan to get OBL.


What would we do with him if we caught him? That wouldn't stop the terror war. And a thousand liberal lawyers would be filing lawsuits and demanding a "trial" and God knows what else. It would be a three ring circus, complete with claims of torture and Koran abuse.

I kinda like him holed up in a cave where he can't do much harm.


No one has forgotten about him but it so just happens that during our search we came across Saddam and found him.

I buried a penny somewhere in Texas, now go find it.


I truly think you are a descendant of Neville Chamberlain.


He's probably some Freshman acne-cratered wuss who still hasn't grown hair on on those peanuts that his mommy washes for him when she isn't servicing her pimp.


Bush NEVER promised to get Osama dead or alive. He said he wanted him dead or alive. Huge difference.


He's irrelevent, except for Bush bashers who need something to whine about.


Well, there you have it: Failure to capture bin Laden is acceptable because capturing him would be really, really hard. Besides, it would only make matters worse. In fact, anyone who wants bin Laden captured is a stinking lefty.

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