Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Scuttlebutt from Radar magazine:

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani’s talk-show cheerleading of President George W. Bush may be getting tiresome, but it’s all part of GOP strategist Karl Rove’s master plan to get “America’s mayor” elected in 2008, we hear. But not necessarily to the Oval Office.

...sources say the job Rove has in mind for Giuliani isn’t the one the ever-ambitious ex-mayor is angling for; as usual, the Boy Genius has his own ideas. “Whoever gets the Republican nomination is going to appear so extremist that it will be hard for them to appeal to moderates, the core of winning any national election, in the national arena,” notes our insider. “But you add on an American hero like Rudy Giuliani and you have a likable ticket. Just prepare yourself for constant reels of Giuliani saving New York on September 11, 2001.”...

Oh, tee-hee.

Er, Karl? I know you're used to Republicans who say "How high?" when you say "Jump!" I know the average Repub will put his life on hold, sell his house, change his kids' schools, do whatever you say, if you order him to run for this or that office.

But that's the average Republican.

Rudy is not average. Rudy is royalty. Don't believe me? Ask him.

You want to stuff the biggest swelled head in politics into a vice president's hat? Hey, pal, good luck trying.

I think Rove is losing his touch. First the public began to turn against the war, clearly responding to an endless stream of grim news rather than to eloquent Democratic voices of opposition (are there any?) -- yet Rove thought the way to reverse the tide of public opinion was to launch a verbal stink bomb against the Dems. And now (assuming the rumor is true) this. Wouldn't it be delightful if he just keeps stumbling?

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