Monday, May 09, 2005


In response to a critical op-ed by a Seattle rabbi that cited their anti-gay remarks, Reverend Ken Hutcherson and Rabbi Daniel Lapin have joined forces to write "Help! A Jew and a Black Under Attack!" for WorldNetDaily.

You remember Reverend Hutcherson -- the egomaniac who enjoys patting himself on the back for threatening Microsoft over its support of an anti-discrimination ordinance that included gay people. And you remember Rabbi Lapin -- the guy who introduced Tom DeLay to the sleazebag lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Back in April, Rabbi Lapin compared an upcoming gay march in Jerusalem to the 1978 Nazi march a Jewish neighborhood in Skokie, Illinois.

Well, what do you know: they're pals.

We've been close friends for years. We have shared Sabbath meals and addressed one another's constituencies. One of us is a very large black man, the other is an average size white guy. One of us raises Rottweiler dogs, the other sails boats. One of us is a Christian pastor while the other is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi....

(And one of them, the very large black man, thinks the Jews killed Christ. But what's a little anti-Semitism between two GOP-loving gay-bashers with a lust for political power?)

We learn from their op-ed that gay marriage = nuclear waste:

...early in the 20th century, people would seek therapeutic benefit in the tunnels of uranium mines in Montana. This horrifying practice persisted for decades before the dangers of radioactivity were fully understood.

By the time they were understood, it was too late. By then, large numbers of patients had contracted cancers, become diseased and had died. By the time the perils of homosexual marriage become obvious, it might well be too late. That is our belief ...

We also learn that writing an op-ed for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer = the Inquisition:

This attack upon us has revealed the real difference between medieval Europe and modern America. Long ago, Europe's sinister theocracies made secularism look benign. Today, here in the United States, secular fundamentalism has become sinister in how it demonizes Orthodox Jews and serious Christians. Secular fundamentalism has become its own stern faith with its own harsh doctrines, practicing intolerance for dissent and administering punishment to heretics. Thanks, rabbi ... we think we understand.

But mostly what we learn is that there aren't separate wings in the GOP for crooks and theocrats -- more and more it appears that they're in the same wing.

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