Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The problem with no-'count rich men's sons is that they think nothing of letting others clean up their messes:

State Taxpayers Providing Relief to Military Families

Taxpayers can donate their refunds in many states to the homeless, to victims of child abuse, to protecting endangered species or to a group of needy people whose taxpayer-financed salaries do not always make ends meet - military families.

Illinois led the way last year when it added a Military Family Relief Fund to the list of charities on its state tax forms, collecting $204,000. Five more states have followed suit, and at least 21 more, including New York, have introduced legislation to do so next year....

The money is intended to help cover property taxes, car repairs, rent, equipment not supplied by the armed forces, or anything that might be a reach for the families of National Guard members and reservists struggling with the domestic hazards of wartime, including loss of income, long separations, disability or sudden death.

The measures are part of a movement by states to fill what they perceive as a void in federal support for military families....

--New York Times

Heaven knows the military families need help, but the diversion of this money to them means, of course, that there's that much less for schools, roads, bridges, cops, and so on.

But hey -- isn't that a small price to pay to spare George W. Bush the anguish of having to take responsibility for the consequences of his own actions?

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