Monday, January 17, 2005


The Sunday New York Times bashes Newt Gingrich mercilessly:

Speaking to technology executives and hospital administrators in October, he offered this rationale to justify investments in health information technology: "First you save lives, and then you save money. You have to put the moral dimension first."...

...Over the years, his ability to grasp complex issues and distill them into simplified messages has been crucial to his success as a policy advocate....

...Esther Dyson, an author and technology consultant, advised Mr. Gingrich during the 1990's on the Internet's implications for the economy and public policy. She came away impressed, she said, by his intellect and knowledge of technical subjects. "He has the ability to get down to first principles, and that leads to thinking that strikes people as radical," Ms. Dyson said. "Health care needs some radical thinking. It needs disruption." ...

..."Everybody around town, from the vice president and Karl Rove to everyone else in Republican circles, they listen to Newt," Mr. Conda said. "He has a lot of influence and impact." ...

"Newt Gingrich is one of the most active and brilliant guys I've ever met," said Mr. Johnson of Sutter. "He never stops."...

...BellSouth is starting a pilot program to help people with diabetes, and it will participate in a project to set up a computerized health network including its workers, doctors, hospitals and insurers in three counties in Georgia. "Newt Gingrich has been a fundamental catalyst for the direction we're headed," Mr. Womack said....

Stop! Stop! Your merciless bashing has become unbearable! How can liberals stand to read the Times? How do they endure such nastiness?

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