Thursday, October 21, 2004


"Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal," the highly contested anti-Kerry documentary, should not be shown by the Sinclair Broadcast Group. It should be shown in its entirety on all the networks, cable stations and on public television.

--Alessandra Stanley, media critic, in today's New York Times

The film is rife with out-of-context and incomplete quotations from Mr. Kerry and other antiwar veterans. Several historians said many accusations in it were not provable or stretched far beyond reality....

Historians not connected to the Kerry campaign dispute the central assertion of the film, that Mr. Kerry was responsible for prolonging the war and the prisoners' torture....

Other veterans appear, saying Mr. Kerry wrongly accused them of war crimes....

Several historians said yesterday that Mr. Kerry's testimony could be legitimately criticized for greatly exaggerating the frequency of atrocities but that atrocities did occur.

"They didn't happen with the frequency with which John Kerry talks about them in the truncated comments we've all heard," said Gary D. Solis, a former marine who is a law professor at West Point.

But, Professor Solis said, "All the things that Senator Kerry described did happen, no question."

He said My Lai was unparalleled in ferocity, and in the number of Vietnamese killed and raped.

"Were there things like cutting off ears and war crimes?" he asked. "Sure there were."...

--Jim Rutenberg and Kate Zernike, political reporters, in yesterday's New York Times

Argh -- The New York Times: a do-over and a money quote (which I'm sure will be splashed across Carlton Sherwood's ads and sponsorship solicitations any minute now...).

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