Saturday, September 11, 2004

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: the Bush campaign by other means.

Several of the largest donors are longtime supporters of President Bush, according to a financial disclosure report filed on Friday with the Federal Election Commission.

The largest contributor was T. Boone Pickens, a famous Texas oilman and longtime Republican supporter who was a major political backer of Mr. Bush's father, who gave $500,000 to the Swift boat group. Aubrey McClendon, chief executive of Chesapeake Energy in Oklahoma, gave $250,000; Bob Perry, another Bush supporter from Texas, gave $200,000 to seed the group; and Albert Huddleston, a Texas energy executive who has raised money for Mr. Bush, gave $100,000, records show.

Sam Wyly, the wealthy Texas entrepreneur who financed commercials attacking Senator John McCain in the 2000 Republican primary against Mr. Bush, also made the list at $10,000 , as did his brother Charles, records show. At least two Swift boat donors are also listed as Bush Pioneers, meaning they raised at least $100,000 for Mr. Bush.

--New York Times

Bush says Kerry served honorably in Vietnam. Why do his supporters finance ads that say just the opposite? Bush says he opposes 527s in principle. Why don't his supporters respect that principle?

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