Monday, September 13, 2004

I guess right-wing GOP congressman David Dreier has been outed. This isn't all that satisfying -- apparently his homosexuality has been such an open secret that it was even speculated on in his Wikipedia entry. He has a lousy voting record on gay issues, although he did oppose an anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendment. Dreier, of course, was prominent in Arnold Schwarzenegger's gubernatorial campaign and went on to head Schwarzie's transition team; it's a shame this outing couldn't have happened a couple of weeks ago -- maybe, say, ten minutes before Arnold went off on that riff about "girlie man."


Also, you might have read in the L.A. Times or Yahoo News that a former employee of televangelist Paul Crouch is saying he had a gay sexual encounter with Crouch years ago. I have no idea if it's true, but if so, I wonder if it will affect Crouch's relationship with his close personal friend John Ashcroft.

When I greeted ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT, it was not our first meeting, but a bit of a reunion! In fact, the first time we met, we were boys growing up in Springfield, Missouri, attending the same church! Pray for John, and pray for our PRESIDENT every day!

And, when the Washington Times Foundation had an "Inaugural Prayer Lucheon for Unity and Renewal" in honor of George W. Bush, needless to say, Crouch was there.

Crouch, by the way, is the founder of TBN, the Trinity Broadcast Network. Here's a partial transcript of a 2003 TBN fund-raiser. Crouch is in the audience; Pastor Rod Parsley is preaching:

You foul spirit of homosexuality and lesbianism, right now, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready. [Founder of the TBN Network Paul Crouch is now standing to his feet repeatedly raising both arms in the air with clenched fist "in agreement" with Parsley.] I - Paul - I'm about to do it, I'm about to do it. Listen - [Parsley walks over to Paul Crouch founder of TBN who is now standing in agreement with Parsley.] Dr. Crouch listen. Before Brother Sumrall went to heaven, he pulled me up to him [Parsley now grabbing the lapel of Crouch's white suit.] and he said, 'I'm releasing an anointing -' I've never told this publicly not even in my church. He said, 'I'm releasing an anointing into you right now that you will give one command [Parsley starts poking Crouch's chest with his index finger.] over television and 10,000 homosexual spirits will be broken.' I've never shared that. I feel that anointing right now. I feel that anointing right now. I feel that anointing right now. Somebody go to your phone. If God's telling yeh to go to your phone and your not going - that breaks the agreement. Do you understand that? That breaks the agreement. Go to your phone. DO SOME THING. I'm tellin yeh, there's an anointing right now on $1,000. 1,000 dollars - make my - make my check out for $1,000...your about to get a promotion, your about to get a raise...[etc.] ...


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