Thursday, July 15, 2004

Shouldn't the Republican National Committee repudiate T-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers -- produced by a company called -- that say 10 OUT OF 10 TERRORISTS AGREE: ANYBODY BUT BUSH?

Look, it's a free country -- but this company ties itself by name to the GOP; its logo is an elephant; and the front of the T-shirt says, "Grand Old Party, Established 1954," surrounding the word "BUSH." The company boasts that the shirts were first sold at Washington State's GOP convention.

It's time for the GOP, and the President himself, to say once and for all whether they believe everyone who disagrees with Bush is an ally of terrorists. If they do, then we can stop talking about Michael Moore and Whoopi Goldberg -- the leaders of one of our major parties will have told us that they believes anyone who doesn't support them is an accessory to mass murder and to the killing of U.S. troops. If the GOP and the President do not believe that opposition to Bush is loyalty to terrorists, they have no choice -- they need to tell to dissociate this product from the GOP. AuthenticGOP must either stop marketing these items or stop putting "Grand Old Party" and "Bush" on them, and if the products continue to be sold, the use of "GOP" in the company name is unacceptable.

I think it would be entirely appropriate for the Democratic Party and the Kerry campaign to raise this issue.

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