Wednesday, April 28, 2004

In the post below, I link a Washington Post story about Ronald Reagan University, which Reagan fans hope to build in Colorado. I say "To each his own" and wish RRU's founders Godspeed, but this annoys me:

Plans for Ronald Reagan U. were made public for the first time this week when Colorado state Rep. Jim Welker, a Republican and a supporter of the idea, introduced a nonbinding resolution asking the state legislature to offer its moral support. "This resolution is a we-wish-you-well kind of thing, that's all," Welker said. "We're not going to ask for a single penny of taxpayer money for this project. It wouldn't really be the Reagan way to come up with the idea and then try to get the government to pay for it."

Excuse me, but if Welker and the other people behind RRU are so anti-government, why are they asking the Colorado legislature for a "moral support" resolution? What could be more of a waste of taxpayer dollars? If they really oppose government waste, they'll ditch the call for a resolution, send everyone home early the day it would have come up for a hearing, turn off the lights and turn down the heat in the legislative offices, and save the taxpayers of Colorado a few bucks.

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