Monday, April 19, 2004

The Bush administration has Colin Powell denying he opposed the war and was out of the loop and Condi Rice denying that the decision to go to war in January '03.

The Bushies hate this book, right?

Er, not exactly -- they're plugging it on the campaign Web site.

(Yes, that's the real site, not a parody site.)

USA Today reports:

But overall, White House communications director Dan Bartlett said Sunday, "This is a pretty detailed look at the complex process that was underway to bring the issue of Saddam Hussein before the world community and ultimately remove him from power." ...

A high-ranking Bush adviser who spoke only if not identified said he thinks the book debunks the idea that Cheney and Pentagon officials concocted and exaggerated intelligence to conclude that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons. Instead, the official said, Woodward makes it clear those conclusions came from the CIA. The official also said the book dispels suggestions that Rumsfeld forced his generals to start the war with fewer troops than military officials said they needed.

And, I'm sure, the Bushies figure that the same stuff that makes rational people's skin crawl -- the portrait of Bush as a know-nothing wise-ass religious zealot -- is precisely what makes much of the country think he's a darn good leader.

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