Tuesday, April 27, 2004

As readers of The Boston Globe, Atrios, Counterspin Central, and Roger Ailes know, Boston talk-radio host Jay Severin recently said this on the air:

"I've got an idea, let's kill all Muslims."

Severin has issued a non-apology apology that misrepresented the incident. He's still on the air.

In The Boston Phoenix, has Dan Kennedy recalls another rather intemperate remark from Severin:

During the endless Florida recount, I wrote that [Severin] had "called on the Army to move in and expressed the view -- seriously, I think -- that Gore should be shot for treason" ...

Golly, how times have changed. These days, if, say, you're a fifteen-year-old who does a drawing for your high school art class depicting the president's head on a stick, you're investigated by the Secret Service. Severin, by contrast, went on the public airwaves in a major metropolitan area and said that a sitting vice president should be killed -- and four years later he's walking around free.

And for all those who get all hot under the collar when evil lefties dare to call Bush a Nazi, Kennedy notes that Severin has referred to Bill Clinton as "the Adolf Hitler of American politics" and as "a domestic enemy of the Constitution of the United States; a traitor." Hillary Clinton is "that cynical, criminal, sociopathic bitch ... one of the worst people on the planet."

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