Friday, March 19, 2004

Zapatero gets results (maybe):

U.S. Considers U.N. Command in Iraq

U.S. officials are exploring ways to persuade Spain to keep its troops in Iraq, including the possibility of a separate United Nations command to oversee international forces.

Under that scenario, the U.S. military would continue to lead its own soldiers, while troops from Spain and other countries could be led by the United Nations, a State Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

It's not clear if the scenario would be acceptable to Spain. And Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said, "I wouldn't want to speculate on any potential U.N. resolution in the future."

...Zapatero has said "there are conditions under which they can stay," Pace said....


I love the fact that the Bushies are saying this on a Friday afternoon -- usually they pick this time of the week to do sleazy, scurrilous things, but this time they're doing it in the hope that they won't piss off their base.

Zapatero's been like a whistleblower -- he broke silence, then others had the courage to do the same thing: almost immediately there were acknowledgments of America's Iraq fiasco by government officials from Poland, South Korea, and Italy. Or use the obvious analogy: He's the boy who pointed out that the emperor is nekkid. Good for him.

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