Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Kay also said that he thinks the weapons -- there are weapons of mass destruction in Syria.

--David Horowitz on Dennis Miller's CNBC show last night

Er, not exactly. Here's James Risen in yesterday's New York Times:

Dr. Kay said there was also no conclusive evidence that Iraq had moved any unconventional weapons to Syria, as some Bush administration officials have suggested. He said there had been persistent reports from Iraqis saying they or someone they knew had see cargo being moved across the border, but there is no proof that such movements involved weapons materials.

Now, Kay did say something rather different to The Telegraph, but it still doesn't jibe with what Horowitz said (emphasis mine):

In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Dr Kay, who last week resigned as head of the Iraq Survey Group, said that he had uncovered evidence that unspecified materials had been moved to Syria shortly before last year's war to overthrow Saddam.

"We are not talking about a large stockpile of weapons," he said. "But we know from some of the interrogations of former Iraqi officials that a lot of material went to Syria before the war, including some components of Saddam's WMD programme. Precisely what went to Syria, and what has happened to it, is a major issue that needs to be resolved."

So it's not clear what Kay really believes, but he seems to believe that, at most, components of the program went to Syria -- though he's not sure even about that.

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