Wednesday, July 30, 2003

In the post directly below, I link the MSNBC story about air marshals being pulled from coast-to-coast and international flights. Some of the right-wingers in this Free Republic thread are as angry as I am -- but others (see the first few messages) think this is a fake-out. They think it's disinformation.

Is it conceivable that even the Bush administration would do something as unspeakable as that?

Think about it: The government leaks a story that air marshals are being pulled from certain flights. Why? To make terrorists think those flights might be easy to hijack? If the administration did that, it would be inviting terrorists to hijack certain planes. It would be saying to terrorist hijackers, in effect, "Bring it on."

Presumably those flights would actually have air marshals, and maybe extra layers of security as well. But even so, the government would be using passengers on those flights as bait.

I don't even think the Bushies would stoop that low. I certainly hope not.

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