Thursday, June 12, 2003

Two letters to The New York Times in response to this Thomas Friedman Op-Ed piece:

To the Editor:

Re "Read My Lips" (column, June 11):

There is an obvious problem with Thomas L. Friedman's premise.

Everyone wants lower taxes, but many of us do want service cuts because the federal government has assumed responsibilities and has made promises it simply cannot afford without stifling our economy.

Mr. Friedman's assumption that no one wants service cuts reflects the kind of elitist thinking that we find so maddening here in the "red states."


Estes Park, Colo., June 11, 2003

To the Editor:

Re "Read My Lips," by Thomas L. Friedman (column, June 11):

Yes to no new services, and let's get rid of some of the old ones while we're at it. We have had way more than enough "services" for decades! It's about time that somebody finally understands!

I hope to see those bumper stickers in 2004. Of course, I hope that people would realize what the slogan means: a cut in services means a cut in expenses means a cut in government intrusion into our daily lives!

Isn't it about time that we rewarded ourselves with freedom again?

Disclaimer: the government has likely refined its methods of intrusion, so it could feasibly cut back and still intrude more. So let's cut the budget even more and not let that happen.


Macon, Ga., June 11, 2003

Which services don't these people want? Which services do they consider "intrusion"? Would they be so kind as to tell us?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I've had it with this vague, nonspecific whining about government excess. You want to cut government? Tell me the list of programs you want to eliminate. The rest of us are citizens, too, and we just might want the services you turn up your nose at. And we need to know what you want to cut because we know you think service cuts are the easy way to solvency -- and you may well be wrong. We don't know if your preferred list of cuts will balance the books unless you tell us what the list is. So put your damn cards on the table.

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