Thursday, March 13, 2003

I like these lines from Barry Crimmins:

I am tired of people who set themselves up as the heroic opponents of the vague adversary that is 'political correctness.' Anyone beyond one block of the Smith College campus is in no real danger of running afoul of those prone to adding a few too many qualifying terms to descriptions....

When reactionaries want to alter public discourse they say they are fighting for
community standards. But if I don't want some Klansman barking the 'n' word on the street corner, I'm with the politically correct mind police.

OK, maybe that's unfair -- the righties do seem to have figured out that overt expressions of anti-black bigotry are bad. Overt anti-Muslim bigotry? Apparently, for some of them, that's a different story. Check out the ad for this book. The book says Islam is utterly vile in all ways -- and National Review's book club sells it proudly. Are the folks at National Review selling bigotry? Oh, no. The book isn't bigoted. The book is, as the ad says, "politically incorrect."

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