Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Here's a conventional-wisdom-defying result from a new poll: Nearly two thirds of Americans -- including a whopping 61% of Republicans -- would like the U.S. to avoid using force in Iraq now.

Here's the question and the breakdown of the responses:

"What do you think the United States should now do with respect to Iraq: use military force in some way or try to find a diplomatic solution?"


Force 29%

Diplomacy 63%

Both (vol.) 4%

Don't Know 4%

Force 33%

Diplomacy 61%

Both (vol.) 4%

Don't Know 2%


Force 20%

Diplomacy 73%

Both (vol.) 1%

Don't Know 6%


Force 34%

Diplomacy 57%

Both (vol.) 5%

Don't Know 4%

Note that respondents were first asked, "Do you approve or disapprove of the United States taking military action against Iraq to try to remove Saddam Hussein from power?" -- and 64% said they approved. So these aren't those nasty old decadent appeaser peaceniks. War is OK with these respondents -- but they prefer diplomacy by a wide margin.

This is from a CBS News poll taken January 4-6, as reported at

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