Wednesday, August 03, 2011


You've gotta love the brazenness of this, from Fox Nation:

The Foxsters are so sure their fanboys and fangirls won't question anything they say, ever, that they feel comfortable arguing that Obama stole Palin's idea of a bus tour, which she conducted early this year, while illustrating it with a photo of Obama's bus tour of three years ago, with an "Obama '08" poster to prove the date. Hey, the Kenyan trickster is so devious he not only ripped Palin off, he went back in time to do it! And now he's doing it again, in normal time! Is there no limit to his fiendishness?

Never mind the fact that the guy who plucked Palin from obscurity did a bus tour eleven years ago, or that Bill Clinton and Al Gore did one eight years before that. They all went back in time to rip Palin off! Yeah, really!

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