Sunday, July 11, 2004

The Bush administration continued to collect evidence against Hussein, but for a different purpose: trying him once he was toppled. "We wanted to be ready with a database, records outlining abuses," Pierre-Richard Prosper, ... the current ambassador for war crimes issues, told me. "When the environment was right, Saddam could be tried and held accountable for his actions." A onetime assistant United States attorney in Los Angeles and an original prosecutor at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Prosper has a suite of offices down the hall from Secretary of State Colin Powell. On Sept. 10, 2001, Prosper was given two JAG officers to dispatch to Europe to meet with Kurdish exiles who'd witnessed Iraqi atrocities. "It had nothing to do with the invasion," he said. "We just knew one day he wouldn't be in power."

--New York Times

Insert conspiracy theory here.

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