Thursday, March 11, 2004

I have no idea what to make of this Reuters story --

Spain's interior minister said a suspect van had been found on Thursday near Madrid, scene of bombings that killed 190 people, containing seven detonators and a tape in Arabic language.

Interior Minister Angel Acebes said the tape had recordings of verses from the Koran.

Spain has so far attributed the attack to Basque separatists, but Acebes' remarks appeared to raise the possibility of a link to Islamist militants.

-- but if 3/11 really is another 9/11, a series of bombings by jihadists, then we're going to be back in Bizarro World again: Aznar will claim he was right to support the Iraq war, even though the target of the war was not involved in acts of terror against the West, and even though the war clearly made it more difficult for the U.S. and its allies to pursue actual terrorists, possibly including the ones whose bombs went off today (and even though, if today's bombers were jihadists, the "deterrent effect" argument for the war will be thoroughly debunked). And then Bush will claim vindication as well. And those of us who say that another attack by jihadists proves that the Iraq war was a wasteful diversion of resources will be called traitors in the terror war, or something like that.

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