Monday, January 05, 2004

As I noted earlier today, the senior editor of The World Almanac told an AP interviewer last week that he didn't see how evildoers could use his almanac as a weapon of terror, despite FBI warnings about the dangers of almanac readers. Well, apparently somebody at World Almanac took a snooze and woke up next to a horse's head, because shortly after the AP story appeared, World Almanac issued a clarifying press release:

The World Almanac and Book Of Facts fully supports and endorses all efforts of the FBI, and all government agencies, in thwarting illegal activities including terrorism. With over 80 million copies sold in its illustrious history, which spans more than 130 years, The World Almanac is proud of its place in the publishing arena. It is the sincere hope of everyone associated with The World Almanac and Book Of Facts that our product is used only for the purposes that it is intended -- research, learning, education and fun.

I love living in a free country, don't you?

(Thanks to Publishers Lunch for the link.)

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