Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Sadly, No! notes this L.A. Daily News article:

FDR, get off the dime!

That's the command from a handful of Southern California Republican congressmen involved in an effort to replace Franklin Delano Roosevelt's image on the dime with Ronald Reagan's.

Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., introduced the legislation that would boot the Democratic architect of the New Deal in the Great Depression from all future 10-cent coins to make way for the conservative icon.

"It is particularly fitting to honor the Freedom President on this particular piece of coinage because, as has been pointed out, President Reagan was wounded under the left arm by a bullet that had ricocheted and flattened to the size of a dime," Souder wrote to colleagues in rounding up support for his bill....

Wait -- stop right there.

We should put Reagan on a dime because his gunshot wound was caused by a bullet that was the size of a dime? Are we now legislating on the basis of dream-state free association?

Hey -- Gorbachev's forehead has a port-wine stain! Maybe it should be illegal to sell port wine anywhere in the world unless it's called "Gorbachev"!

And what's with calling Reagan "the Freedom President" -- with capital letters? Is Reagan's now a branded presidency? Is that some sort of trademark? Was there no freedom in this country until Reagan came along? Or was there just no Freedom®?

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