Thursday, May 01, 2003

Postal worker David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz attacked women with long hair, then told long-haired female postal customers that they should be careful to wear their hair up.

The Bush administration attacks the fiscal stability of Social Security, then does this:

Your next annual statement from the government estimating your Social Security retirement benefits will state in blunt language that those funds are in jeopardy.

As if today's workers weren't worried enough that Social Security will not be there when they need it, the Social Security Administration will tell them: "Action is needed soon to make sure that the system is sound when today's younger workers are ready for retirement."

The warning, which the government plans to unveil today, will be included in the annual letter from Social Security to 138 million workers over the age of 25, estimating their benefits under various retirement strategies.

-- Minneapolis Star-Tribune

Compare and contrast.

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