Friday, May 02, 2003

Dan Harris said this on ABC News last night, reporting from Baghdad:

Iraq's health care system is still struggling, but things are getting better. Three weeks ago, Yarmik Hospital, one of the biggest in Baghdad, was bombed, then looted. Now, with the help of the Americans and international aid groups, they've made repairs, and most doctors are back to work. But the Americans and the charities haven't brought in enough supplies, which is why this man with two broken legs [video and audio of a man in pain] was given minimal painkillers.

So we can't get enough medical supplies in, but we were able to fly Donald Rumsfeld into Iraq for a high-priced photo op? Hey, Rummy, what exactly did you accomplish on that trip, apart from getting some triumphalist photos taken that will serve as red meat during the Bush '04 campaign? Why didn't you take a few boxes of painkillers along on your flight -- or skip the flight altogether and let the Red Cross have your landing spot instead?

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