Sunday, March 16, 2003

Ken Pollack, also of the Brookings Institution, thinks such a “rolling start” would be perilous. Better, he thinks, to amass an imposing force, which will increase the chances that Iraq capitulates without a fight, and allow General Franks to respond to any contingencies or counter-attacks.

--Economist, January 30, 2003

The American-led coalition that is preparing to topple Saddam Hussein's government is planning for a complex invasion of Iraq to begin even as allied troops are still arriving in the region, senior commanders say....

But there are military experts — including experienced commanders — who are worried by this plan, which has come to be called a "rolling start" to the impending war.

--New York Times, March 16, 2003

One more way in which the war isn't going the way the best-known liberal hawk hoped it would.

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