Tuesday, January 07, 2003

The New York Times has some fine coverage of Bush's dividend-tax fiasco -- a stinging lead editorial, another fine Paul Krugman evisceration of Bush economic thinking, and a chart showing just who would really benefit from the proposal and by how much. One tiny problem: The chart's not online. Instead, the Times posts a different chart here,one that doesn't make clear at all how many Americans Bush's plan will affect, and it what way.

Well, our old pal Atrios reproduces the numbers from the good chart here. It's too bad, however, that you can't see the chart as it appears in the paper, with the expected tax breaks (less than $50 in 2003 for the bottom 60% of taxpayers, $13,243 for the top 1%) neatly stacked in a column.

I'm running a cheapo, text-only blog here, and I don't own scanner. If you're not laboring under these handicaps, I urge you to buy today's Times and get scanning.

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